BSED-SCIENCE 3 Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Activity 5.2
1. What comes first into your mind after watching the video?
That digital learning
2. What comes first into your mind when you hear the word technology collaborative tools in digital world?
It is the transition of learning when technological devices emerges.
3. What do you think are the collaborative tools use in teaching?
• Skype
• Google groups and forms
• Wiki
• Blogging sites
4. What collaborative tools do you think you can utilize to the fullest? why?
Personally, I can ace somehow a certain blogging site specifically the “BLOGGER” because I have already an experience managing my own blogging sites.
5. Why is it important to study this collaborative tools?
Collaborative tools are quite handy for sharing information so it’s pivotal for a future teacher to be literate in these tools.
6. How will these collaborative tools improve the teaching and learning process?
Since the main purpose of these tools is for everyone to stay connected while learning, it is also plausible for both teacher and student to improve their performances in teaching and learning.
7. Learners now a days learn through collaboration with the use of technology. As a pre-service teacher, what actions will you take as you prepare yourself to handle this type of students?
We can’t stop the technology reach its highest peak because everyday there’s something new and more innovative. So, in that note, what we need to do is to learn how to use these applications and devices for you to be able use this effectively in teaching and sharing knowledge to your students.
8. How will you handle your lessons in order that you will make learners become more engaged and effectively take accountability of their learning?
Plan out your lesson as concise and more interactive it can be. You set your learning goals by following the criteria of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound)
9. What can you say about google form as one of collaborative tools?
I can say it’s quite handy because it’s less-paper work and it can be access anytime and anywhere if you have a good internet connection.
10. What is the difference of blog and vlogs? How will blog help the students?
Blog is written input of topic while vlog or also known as “video blog or video log” is video input of a certain content.
Multiple choice
1. Which collaborative tool will you want to keep track of your contribution each member of a group gives?
a. Internet
b. Skype
c. Wikispace
d. Online tool
2. Which simulation exemplifies the best use of an application or digital technology allowing collaborative work?
a. The whole class communicating through the mail to resolve an issue being discussed
b. A forum page in a class site allowing learners to post their ideas on a topic asynchronously
c. Creating an online survey using a digital tool such as survey monkey or google form
d. Applying the principles of TPACK as a framework in producing a collaborative output
3. The following are application and tools that can be used in collaborating with other learners. Which one does NOT belong to the group?
a. Skype
b. Blog
c. Wikispace
d. Google form
4. Which collaborative tool allows you to work with others using video conferencing or discussing with other members of the group through a webcam?
a. Skype
b. Blog
c. Wikispace
d. Google form
5. Which statement cautions an online collaborator when posting personal views on an issue being discussed by members of the group who may personally know each other only in online conversation?
a. Use information of blogs with print and online good reviews and use them as a model when posting ideas to collaborate with others.
b. Students can use blogging for educational purposes and this is different from personal blogs.
c. Writing ideas is a personal act although there is a need to be wary in posting personal contact information or too personal pictures.
d. Students should be guided on how to design the whole blog or upload materials that support critical thinking.
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