NOTADO, JOBERT PELONIA                        
BSED-SCIENCE 3                                            Technology for Teaching and Learning 1


Activity 7.2

1. When you hear the word distance education what comes first into your mind?
Online class.

2. What do we mean by distance learning?
Distance learning, also called distance education, e-learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.

3. What did you observe in your activity?
The logos are mostly the different social media platforms and some educational and blogging sites where students can interact through online.

4. Which educational online platform would you prefer the most? Why?
Based on my experience I would preferably use the google classroom because it’s more accessible and easy to use. 

5. What do we mean by blended learning?
Blended Learning: a style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.  

6. What do we mean by network?
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications.

7. What are the different social networking platforms?
1. Facebook
2. linkedIn
3. Google+
4. Youtube 
5. Pinterest
6. Instagram 
7. Tumblr 
8. MySpace 
9. Flickr 
10. Bebo

8. Can social networking platforms be used in teaching and learning? How?
Yes. For example in YouTube, you can watch video tutorials about a certain topic in a subject. In Facebook, the messaging service of it now is highly used in this online class. In Pinterest, as a source for inspiration or theme for art or photography. There are a lot of benefits we can gain in these social networking platforms if it’ll be used accordingly.

9. What do you think are the benefits of social networking platforms?
Using social networking websites opens an array of benefits for users. The world has become a global village through connectivity, they provide information and support learning or augment educational activities.

10. What are the dangers of using social networking sites?
One major risk is making friends with stranger who may actually be a predator pr a cyberbully. There are also trolls who actually instigate conflict, misunderstanding or emotional response by eliciting anger or ill feelings from other users through social media. Their ability to socialize is incapacitated as they devote hours or days on gaming or using the computer manifesting abuse to themselves.

Activity 7.3
Pick 1 educational online platform and 1 social networking site and demonstrate how to use it in a classroom discussion or learning


Multiple choice
1. The following are learning management system EXCEPT one. Which is it?
a. Moodle
b. Google
c. Schoology
d. Edmodo

2. Which statement express the right action in case there is an indication of cyber bullying?
a. Ignore the behavior by not responding at all
b. Block the person
c. Learn to fight back
d. Talk to trustworthy adult about it

3. Just as there are benefits in using social networking sites, there are also risk that accompany it. Which statement is the best paraphrase?
a. Learners can continually connect as they collaborate to accomplish a task or homework using a social networking website.
b. One major risk is making friends with strangers who may actually be a predator or cyberbully
c. Teachers and parents or guardians are protective to the extent of disallowing youngsters to use internet and social networking sites
d. There are payoffs and pitfalls when one is active in social networking sites.

4. Which situations BEST defines blended learning?
a. It is a combination of online lessons and actual lessons in physical setting
b. Learning is ubiquitous which allows learners to learn anytime, anywhere and any manner
c. Social networking websites provide information that can be incorporated in instruction
d. It can employ synchronous and asynchronous modality of delivery.

5. Which online tool is a clear example using asynchronous mode?
a. Online chat
b. Blog
c. Blended learning
d. Sites


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