NOTADO, JOBERT PELONIA                            BSED-SCIENCE 3

PICTURE 1 : Teacher with Modern Strategy
PICTURE 2: Teacher with Traditional Strategy 

Question: what kind of teacher would you like after you graduate? Why?

                 As a modern learner, I preferably choose to be the teacher with modern strategy. A teacher who takes advantage of technological tools and services because basically it would improve the teaching-learning performances of both teachers and students.  A teacher who choose to work efficiently. A teacher who would be in the modern era. A teacher that opens new doors for his/her professional growth. That kind of teacher who utilizes modern strategies and techniques. 

1. What do we mean by ICT?
 Diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information.

2. What are the seven domain of ICT Competency Standard?
Domain 1: Understand ICT in Education
Domain 2: Curriculum and assessment
Domain 3: Pedagogy
Domain 4: Technology tools
Domain 5: Organization and Administration
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning
Domain 7: Teacher Disposition

3. What do we mean by ISTE?
The ISTE Standards, formerly known as the National Educational Technology Standards, are standards for the use of technology in teaching and learning. They are published by the International Society for Technology in Education, a nonprofit membership association for educators focused on educational technology. 

4. What are the six ICT competency standard for teacher based on ISTE?
Standard 1: Technology Operation and Concepts
Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment and Experience
Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation
Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice
Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issue

5. What are the six ICT competency standard for students based on ISTE?
Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation
Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration
Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making
Standard 5: Digital Citizenship
Standard 6: Technology Operation and Concept

6. What are the advantages of a teacher who follows the ICT competency standard?
Efficient work especially in curriculum and strategies.
• Saves time in discussion. 
• Positive-environment.
• Can collaborate effectively.

7. What do we mean by digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. This is why digital citizenship is such a crucial topic to teach today's students.

8. Can you perform a digital type of instructional materials?

9. What are the advantages of a digital technology?
Improves retention and familiarization in lessons
• Saves time.
• Modern and detailed approach.
• Improve technological skills.
• Learning at an individual pace.
• Easy accessible
• Open and distance learning.

10.Based on ISTE national educational technology standard for students. Stated that students must be creativity and innovation. What do you mean by creativity and innovation?
       Creativity and innovation in the context of technology, it pertains to how will the students come up of an output that is new, unique and relevant to the eyes of the teachers and with the help technological advancements. 
11.A communication tool used to send and receive videos, pictures, link and files in a wireless way?
 E-mail tools
12.Example of hand-held device?
 Typical examples include smartphones, tablets, laptop, computers, smart watches, e-readers,     and handheld gaming consoles.
13. What are the three domains in educational technology?
Technology as a tutor
• Technology as a teaching tool
• Technology as a learning tool
