Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
First, the photo shows the reality where majority of humans’ activities revolves around to a small device (a product of technology.) From communication down to even booking in a restaurant. Second, we can see the two sides of this situation- the bad and good. The good side is it made everything easier and faster, for example, in messaging, before it’ll take days, weeks or even months for you to receive a reply but today, it’ll just take a second or minute. Then, the bad side is some of the people are too indulge in this device that they tend to forget they have a life to live, for example, social media platforms give us new personas when you enter those site, you can be rich, popular, or even anonymous. Some are overwhelmed by the online world and forget the reality that already affects their everyday lives. Lastly, technology is already there and it is our responsibility on how to utilize it. It is our duty to be responsible and disciplined digital citizens.
1. What can you say about the photo?
The photo exhibits what’s happening in today’s situation where people are too dependent in technology – mobile phones to be exact. We can’t deny though that this small device brings comfort and advantage but there’s always a downside of it. These mobile phones maybe small but it has tons of uses, from basics like calendar and time to complicated like internet access. So that explains why the photo is illustrated like that, humans like an slave of technology because all the activities we do everyday is accompanied by technological devices.
2. Would your life as a teacher be also influence by the new technologies?
Your teaching strategy should be patterned to what your students’ capabilities and available resources. If majority of them can handle these technologies then it would be great if we will take advantage of the new technologies. So yes. Technology offers new doors of opportunities where teachers and learners will gain something beneficial.
3. Should we live our lives to be controlled by technology or should we control the utilization of technology in our lives? How?
It’s the latter one. We are the human, we should take control in everything. Technology was created to make our lives easier. With proper utilization of these devices we could live our lives as comfortable as possible. If you’ll ask how, simply, use those devices appropriately and with discipline. For example, limit yourself when surfing in the internet and use that time to research something substantial. There are a lot of ways where you can use these devices in a good way.
4. What do you think are the risk of technology to the learners?
• Health may be at stake if the learner will use computers for a very long time.
• Deteriorating students' competences of reading and writing
• Dehumanizing educational environments
• Removing social interactions between teachers and students
• Too much dependency for class works.
• Exposure to unauthorized sites.
5. What can you do to avoid such risk?
• The students should always be reminded that there are still rules and regulations in using such devices that need to be followed for their own safety.
• Teach them to be responsible digital citizen.
• If you’re a parent, you can simply put a time allowance in using gadgets.
• Monitor their digital activities.
6. What do you think are the minor risk of using internet?
• Bandwagon effect- too inclined to what is trending.
• Copyright issue- photocopying the whole book.
• Using mobile phones during class hours if in fact is prohibited.
• Opening untrusted websites.
• Downloading irrelevant to studies.
• Taking photos without authorization
7. How can technology affect the learners at school?
• Children sometimes overuse technology in the classroom which obviously affects the learning process in a negative way.
• Plagiarism and cheating have increased while analysis and critical thinking have declined.
• Instead of reading and doing homework, modern kids indulge in entertainment.
• Students can learn useful life skills through technology
Modern learning is about collaborating with others, solving complex problems, critical thinking, developing different forms of communication and leadership skills, and improving motivation and productivity.
• Learners become more dependent in technological devices.
8. What should be consider in setting up an educational room?
Schools that plan dedicate a room where the students can access technologies for learning should include the following basic safety rules:
• Provide tiltable tables
• Provide anti-glare screen filters
• Provide adjustable chairs
• Provide foot support
• Make sure lighting is suitable
• Make sure work station are not cramped
• Plan work at a computer so that there are frequent breaks
9. What do you think are the safety rules that can reduce risk of accidents in the working stations should include?
More specifically safety rules that can reduce risk of accidents in the working stations should include:
• No trailing wires across or around the room which people can trip on
• Electrical sockets should not be overload
• Electrical equipment should be safety-tested at least once a year
• There should be adequate space around desk for people to move
• Bags and obstacles should be stored out of the way
• Foods and drinks should not be place near machines
• Heating and ventilation should be suitable for the working environment
• Fire extinguisher should be available
10. As a future teacher. What do you think are the implication for teachers and teaching?
For Teachers and Teaching
• Guide the teacher on what they should teach that relate to ICT, and how to teach it.
• Technology should never replace human teacher.
• There are rules and regulation that governs the use of technology.
• All the issue and many more shall be part of the teaching content as each teacher will be encourage to use technology in teaching.
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