BSED-SCIENCE 3                   
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Activity 1.2

1. When you hear the word portfolio what comes first into your mind?
2. What do we mean by ePortfolio?
An electronic portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web.
3. Where can you make an ePortfolio?
You can make an ePortfolio in google sites, blogging sites (wordspace, blog, or even in tumblr) and mycanvass. 
4. When we say Home page What comes first into your mind?
It’s like the front cover of a book. 
5. When you hear the word pages what comes first into your mind?
A book or a novel.
6. When we say reflection what comes first into your mind?
My self-realization or opinion about something I just recently read, listen or watch.
7. What do we mean by description?
It is the characteristics of an specific thing or idea. 
8. What do we mean by feelings?
It is an emotional state. 
9. What do we mean by conclusion?
It could mean the last part of something or making a final say or judgment about something/someone. 
10. What do we mean by action plan?
A well-structured description or steps in achieving a certain goal.

After creating an e-Portfolio make a reflection.

After finishing creating my e-Portfolio, I realized some things. Below are some of the benefits I gained and will gain when I did my e-Portfolio.
1. I will discover a valuable exercise in self assessment through the reflection process
2. Learning will take on a new depth through the reflection process
3. My self esteem and self-confidence will be enhanced as they take control of their learning. 
4. I may develop their own goals for their learning. 
5. Assessment of my learning may become more student centered;  the learner is involved and authorized to make decisions about will be evaluated. 
6. I will receive more recognition for individual learning abilities and preferences.
7. I will learn and begin to practice  a process that will be used in life long and life wide learning pursuits
8. I will have a tool for personal development.
9. I will have a personal learning record.
10. I may receive credit for informal and non-formal learning as well as formal learning.
11. I will have direction for career planning.
12. I will have a tool for feedback from teachers and peers; feedback in the form of comments, as opposed to marks.
13. I will have a concrete way of showcasing strengths to teachers or  future employers.
14. I may have needed documentation for prior learning assessment  or program credits.
15. I will have an extremely portable tool to use no matter where they are in the world.

Multiple choice

1. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT based on the idea of using an ePortfolio in assessing student learning?
a. An ePortfolio contains students’ reflections that discuss how they were able to accomplish the task and what they have learned from the lesson.
b. Although it contains evidence of students’ work and documentations of their outputs, it maybe limited to examination or quiz results.
c. Although challenging, students’ progress can be seen as they include exhibits of their work from the initial attempts to half-way of finishing their work and to the finished product.
d. An ePortfolio is very much similar for the physical portfolio for it contains essentially the same required outputs although digital materials are easily uploaded in the former platform.

2. Which element of the ePortfolio is the most essential?
a. Uploaded scenic image
b. Clearly stated intentions
c. Written reflections
d. Complete documentation of activities

3. When you plan to improve the next time you pursue a similar activity or task by studying further or collaborating with others, which part of Gibb’s reflective cycle is being describe?
a. Description
b. Analysis
c. Action plan
d. Conclusion 

4. Which statement do you consider most disagreeable?
a. An ePortfolio can be used as a repository of students documents and soft files that can serve as evidence of learning.
b. Writing reflections on what was learned can be daunting but with the use of Gibb’s reflective cycle model makes it easier.
c. The use of ePortfolio is an explicit example of how technology is integrated in instruction.
d. Constructing an ePortfolio is doable by the students; managing it as an administrator requires more advance skills.

5. When employing the alternative assessment of student’s learning using an ePortfolio, constructing it at the start of the term is essential for it provides the learners the time to document the process of how they are learning throughout the course. This statement is?
a. True
b. False
c. Unclear
d. Debatable
